Bromus commutatus

Meadow Brome (Bromus commutatus) is a species of plant in the grass family Poaceae. In the United States it is known as Hairy Chess.

Meadow Brome
A panicle of Bromus commutatus Schrad.
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Monocots
(unranked): Commelinids
Order: Poales
Family: Poaceae
Genus: Bromus
Species: B. commutatus
Binomial name
Bromus commutatus

Brachypodium commutatum (Schrad.) P. Beauv.
Bromus commutatus var. apricorum Simonkai
Bromus hordeaceus L. var. commutatus (Schrad.) Fiori
Bromus mollis L. var. commutatus (Schrad.) Sanio
Bromus mutabilis F. W. Schultz var. commutatus (Schrad.) F. W. Schultz
Bromus racemosus L. commutatus (Schrad.) Maire & Weiller
Bromus racemosus L. var. commutatus (Schrad.) Coss. & T. Durand
Bromus secalinus L. commutatus (Schrad.) Lloret
Forasaccus commutatus (Schrad.) Bubani
Serrafalcus commutatus (Schrad.) Bab.
Serrafalcus racemosus (L.) Parl. Commutatus (Schrad.) Rouy



The height ranges from 40 to 120 cm (47 in). The panicle is 7-20cm, usually nodding and often spreading,[2] but erect as first.[3] Annual or biennial. The leaf-sheaths are hairy, the upper are usually hairless.[3] B. commutatus is stouter than B. racemosus, the Smooth Brome, with a flower-head not drooping to one side and a broader elongated branched flower head.[4]

Meadow Brome structure

Habitat and distribution

It is found in meadows, wasteground, road verges, hayfields and rough grassland.[5] Found throughout the United Kingdom, it is common in England on the moist soils of water meadows; it is rare in Scotland, Ireland and Wales.[6] It is found naturally throughout Europe, N. Africa, W. Asia. It has been introduced into North America and in the United States is known as 'Hairy Chess'. The flowering period is from May to July.[6]

Crop value

The species has no fodder value in the United Kingdom and is regarded as a weed. The attractive inflorescences may be used, either fresh or dry, in flower arrangements.[6]


Bromus commutatus var. pubens Wats has spikelets which are not hairless, having soft hairs.[6]



  1. ^ synonyms. Accessed : 01-06-10
  2. ^ Clapham, Page 460
  3. ^ a b Fitter, Page 74
  4. ^ McLintock, Page 277
  5. ^ Philips, Page 72
  6. ^ a b c d Hubbard, Page 87


External links